Friday, October 11, 2024

Tour 2024 - Portugal (1/3) - Lisbon

Kami menetap di Portugal dalam seminggu sebab tak pernah sampai negara ni. Pecah kepada 3 bahagian, Lisbon, Porto dan Sintra/Cascais.

Flight petang dari Prague sampai Lisbon dah malam.

4p ensuite

Esok pagi pergi post office berdekatan, pos balik barang merch Brutal Assault 2024. Agak mahal rate Portugal berbanding Poland, tapi sebab sikit sahaja nak hantar. Masih berbaki lebih 2 minggu tour dan malas nak carry barang bulky (merch) walaupun ringan. 

Pos Portugal pun macam Poland, debit/credit card hanya europe country. Cash is king :(

Buat laundry lepas habis Brutal Assault 2024 camping. While waiting makan local lunch Portugal, nasi tomato ikan kod. Banyak produk ikan cod dan sardin di Portugal. Macam2 masakan ikan kod (bacalhau) yang common bacalhau ubi kentang lenyek.

Lepas settle laundry dan post, 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tour 2024 - Czech Republic - Prague

Aku escape Brutal Assault awal on the last day because nak ronda Prague. Booked an adhoc hostel last minute but shared bathroom. This time pakai hostel murah area east of Prague train station. Dia punya route memang berbukit. Sikit menyesal ambik hostel tu but other than that memang pricing ok. Pricing hostel di Prague ni mahal macam Amsterdam if nak duduk central around Prague train station. Very few yang kompetitif pricing. Kalau ambik one west side of Prague train station memang usually flat surface.

2p toilet shared

The first day memang sampai lewat petang after check in baru sempat mandi selepas beberapa hari camping di Brutal Assault.  Jaromer is just 2 jam dari Prague. Keretapi di Czech Republic masih efisyen timing, punctual dan murah. Lagi seronok kalau dapat naik keretapi lama sharing room dan boleh buka tingkap.


Praha hlavní nádraží (Main Train Station)

Once dah mandi wangi petang tu aku terus keluar semula round city Prague sebab esok petang akan berangkat ke Portugal. Tak cukup rehat pun gigih keluar sebab ada satu malam sahaja di Prague berbanding tahun 2019.

Wenceslav Square revisited.

Old Square District revisited

Charles Bridge revisited

Nightscape in Prague dan typical metro, dalaman yang luas.

The following day, ambil route yang hampir sama, cuma pergi ke district yang belum pernah sampai in 2019. Northern route via tram, boleh nampak Stadium Sparta Prague masa atas tram, tak turun sebab time ada sampai tengah hari sahaja sebelum kena ambil bus ke airport. After descending tram at the other side of Charles Bridge baru jalan slow2 sampai hostel untuk ambil bag.

Hitching tram harga included as daily metro ticket


Starting point at end of Charles Bridge dan jalan sampai hostel

Lalu semula Old Square District siang sebab semalam sampai dah nak malam

Summary day1 dengan day2(bawah) Biru pakai metro/tram

Two iconic Czech Republic material - Kofola (kena cuba kalau datang negara ni) dan Prague Astronomical Clock di Old Historic Distict.

Skipping cerita di Pardubiche sebab singgah sekejap sahaja round bandar semasa berada di Brutal Assault 2024. Other notable notes while in Czech Republic is to try various drink made from Raspberry, malinovska mixture.

Taking 30 minutes bus to Prague Airport (easily available & reasonable price, Cash!)

bye bye Prague, welcome Portugal!

previous Prague 2019 trip

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tour 2024 - Poland - Wroclaw

Plan asal supposely pergi Krakow, tapi because kekangan cap budget trip, we reduce to nearer city from Berlin and to next destination, Jaromer.

Wroclaw (pronounced as Vrot-Swaaf) atau Breclau actually nice cozy city, in my humble impression as more to student city sebab ada universiti dalam town dia. Banyak students berbanding tourist.  Since this is not touristic city, fridge magnet sini paling mahal for the entire 2024 trip. Luckily we manage to get cheap/reasonable fridge magnet at museum Panorama Raclawicka. 


Stesen keretapi Wroclaw is opposite main post office. Aku drop buy ke post office pagi tu untuk shipped out merch2 Wacken. Around RM200 for 4kg with tracked shipping. One of the reasonable rate in europe. Ada language barrier sikit nak communicate, tapi boleh settle, again cash is king di post office sini (as is 2024) sebab credit card non-europe/poland dia tak terima. 

Habis settle post barang, finishing up dengan Jenkuya (thank you!) to the post officer. Mula start pusing city square dan town Wroclaw. Ada satu hari full day before berangkat ke Jaromer esok hari. Wroclaw it self manageable to walk even ada tram.

Pagi & petang


Walking around city center / square area.

Famous landmarks di Wroclaw ni Gnome and Panorama Raclawicka. Gnome ni ada merata2, aku malas nak cari. Even the Hard Rock in Wroclaw pun release unique edition with Gnome on the Hard Rock logo punya shirt.

Gnomes & Panorama Raclawicka building.

Wroclaw Cathedral

Tengah hari lepak area utara sikit tepi tasik teduh bawah pokok. Sebab kalau balik bilik memang rugi tidur sebab datang sini 24 jam sahaja. Bila cuaca dah kurang terik baru pusing area Wroclaw cathedral dikawasan ni.


On the way balik ke hostel singgah Hala Targowa (Historic traditional indoor market). Banyak jual makanan dalam ni. Keliling market pun banyak garden.

Pada sebelah malam pun kami ulang route sama city square dan juga cathedral untuk mendapatkan night scenery feel.

Finish up the evening dengan makan di franchise popular jual traditional polish food. Ambik yang vegetable base ja.

Lupa nak ambik gambar hostel, tapi comfortable 4p ensuite. Quite a distance from bus station. One thing to note this city, almost every block ada Zabka. Aku rasa dalam tak sengaja, this is the worst spending dalam tour sebab harga barang dalam Zabka ni nampak murah tapi beli macam2. This city is the most dense convenient stores vs penempatan.


Zabka is killing my $$$. XXL ni macam famous di Poland. Banyak flavour.

Pagi2 7.50am the following day rush to bus station to attend Brutal Assault 2024 @ Jaromer. A short 2 hour trip without border check.


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