Friday, October 25, 2024

Tour 2024 - Spain / Gibraltar - Tarifa & Gibraltar

After the tiring trip to Chefchaouen, we decided to enter europe (3rd time --> from Tangier) and (4th time--> from Gibraltar) via Spain untuk ke Gibraltar. Ada dua ferry provider, kami pilih yang berkesesuaian dengan timing, kerana harga ferry lebih kurang sahaja. Masa untuk ferry 2 jam sekali, dan time zone akan +1/-1 in/out continent. Ferry time from Tangier to Tarifa around 1.30 sahaja, the process is easy however due note to arrive early sebab kastam/immigration agak lambat if peak hours kerana ramai penumpang dan baggage check. Masa balik malam lancar tak ramai orang.

From the ferry facing Tangier.

Upon arriving to Tarifa, the Bali of Europe (sebab banyak beach culture and vacation) we immediately take a bus to la Linea De Conception, the Spanish border city to Gibraltar. Bas limited sejam sekali, tak boleh miss. However during our return trip we found out the bus trip can be accessed better by taking route Tarifa - Algeciras - La Linea de Conception instead internet guide of limited bus route Tarifa - La Linea de Conception. Just stop at Algeciras dan banyak bas in/out to destination. Harga bas dalam 2.50 euro around 1 jam duration trip.

La Linea De Conception bus station so classic, not even electronic board.

Inside local bus from Algeciras to Tarifa. We did not manage to visit the scenic beach where people/tourist was told to have fun activities at beaches. Looking at google image Tarifa beach it was so joyful.

We just walked around 5 minutes from La Linea de Concention bus station to Gibraltar border. Takda cop in, just chop exit Spain. The immigration was so fast, we take the bus and pay in euro to get to most southern tip (mosque area). bus banyak, pelancong pun banyak. The public transportation is clean and one way (probably to easy traffic). The price of the bus ticket also reasonable. Take the multi-stop tiket 1 one way (tiada daily tiket). Buy new tiket upon starting at Mosque / south point starting stop.

During to the southern tip, singgah nak naik cable car, tapi cable car unit tak banyak menyebabkan waiting time yang lama, we unlucky have to skip the cable car due to time constraint. Maklumlah nak kena balik Afrika on the same day dan kena lalu Europe dahulu. Mana sempat.

The Gibraltar housing residential area nampak mahal, kereta pun nampak mahal2 semua. Facing the city coastal area boleh nampak Spanish city of Algeciras. Gibraltar is so relaxing, memang tak ramai orang, except the queue for the cable car.

During the way back to the border, we use the famous airport strip to cross the border. Jalan kaki lintas landing strip to cross between Gibraltar to Spain. Tak boleh berenti posing, nanti kena marah dengan authority. Notice the telephone booth is similar in England as Gibraltar is British Overseas Territory. Bus double decker merah pun ada. Taking the bus in Gibraltar also kena use cash :(


The daytrip to Gibraltar memang express, we think we just spend 2 hour in/out of Gibraltar because takut miss the ferry from Spain to Tangier. We waste time on waiting at bus station because getting less accessed bus from Tarifa. If  using the route via Tarifa-Algeciras, probably ada banyak masa lagi kerana banyak bas available.

Tarifa late evening dah kosong most people left the beach/town and preparing night life at bar. Its good to wave debit/credit card again (as in europe) to swipe at groceries in Spain.

Ferry pun dah kosong malam. Immigration check to enter Morocco was conducted on the ferry itself. 

In out Europe for 3rd & 4th time this trip.



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